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How Fast Is the Skier Moving When She Gets to the Bottom of the Hill?

Test for 9 th form. Module 2

A Complete the sentences using the appropriate verb from the Iist below in the correct form.
• do • make • hang out • keep • dust • take • mop
1 The only thing left to do is …. the furniture, and then the house will be ready for tonight's party.
2 You can't …. the washing now. It's raining and all the clothes will get wet.
3 Timmy likes helping around the house, but he hates having to ….the rubbish out every night.
4 Take off your shoes before going into the kitchen; Mum has just ….the floor.
5 I don't know how Samantha manages to … the ironing so fast; it takes me an hour just to iron two shirts!
6 Messy people find it difficult to…. their rooms tidy.
7 Pamela always …. her bed as soon as she gets up in the morning.

B Underline the correct item.

8 Jenny would like a house with a crowded/spacious study where she can put her big desk and her two big bookcases.
9 Dan's muscles relaxed/went soft after his accident, as he was unable to exercise for months.
10 Of all the housework/household chores, doing the dishes is the one Jenny hates most.
11 David was tired of the noise and pollution of the big city, so he decided to move to a small,

isolated/industrial town in the countryside.
12 Mrs Finch is very arrogant/nosy; she always peeps at us from behind the curtains to see what we're doing in the garden.
13 Astronauts who work on the International Space Station use a (n) airless/vacuum hose to wash with.
14 Ian isn't a very sociable/ silly person, as he's not very comfortable with meeting new people.
15 Peter and Frank play football at their local football hall/pitch every day.
16 Deforestation and the effects of tourism on natural habitats are two of the reasons why many plant and animal species are in danger of becoming extinct/destroyed
17 Objects in space float because of the lack/zero of gravity.
18 The astronauts who work on the International Space Station make/do a lot of experiments.

C Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

19 Do you mind (get) off the phone? I need to make a call.
20 Sam avoids (shop) at the corner shop because it's a bit expensive.
21 George has offered (take) the dog for a walk while I'm busy with the chores.
22 They are tired of (live) in the dirty, noisy city, so they've decided to move to the countryside.
23 Danny wants (become) an astronaut when he grows up.
24 I don't remember (turn) off the lights upstairs. Can you please check?
25 Mark's parents never let him (stay) out late on weeknights.
26 John has been working all morning, but he's stopped (have) some lunch.
27 Why don't we leave a bit later tomorrow? I can't stand (wake) up early!
28 Sarah made her sister (promise) never to take her things again.
29 You must (tidy) up your own room. I'm not your slave, you know!



1 dust

2 hang out

3 take

4 mopped

5 do

6 keep

7 makes


8 spacious

9 went

10 household

11 isolated

12 nosy

13 vacuum

14 sociable

15 pitch

16 extinct

17 lack

18 do


19 getting

20 shopping

21 to take

22 living

23 to become

24 turning

25 stay

26 to have

27 waking

28 promise

29 tidy

How Fast Is the Skier Moving When She Gets to the Bottom of the Hill?
